Dead Sea

Escape the tensions of city life and take a trip to the shores of the Dead Sea. Lie back and relax, absorbing the stunning combination of mountain and sea landscapes. Allow the soothing waters to ease the stresses away and enjoy a delicious lunch in a local beach-side hotel and spa.
Journey to the lowest point on Earth: The hypersaline waters lap the shore at 1,400 feet (427 m) below sea level. Though animals struggle in this environment—the water is nearly 10 times saltier than seawater—the natural beauty makes up for it. Gaze across the water to the Jerusalem hills in the west and to mountains flanking the east, and appreciate the dramatic and beautiful landscape.
Take a dip—or afloat—in the tranquil setting and feel the mineral-rich water work its magic on your skin. Let the heady mix of salty water, rich mud, and Jordanian sun fortify your body. Break for lunch at a nearby spa and savor the flavors of a local meal as you admire the inspiring views once more.
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