The Jordan River Baptism

The Jordan River Baptism
Most scholars agree that it was at this spot on the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized. Now you can visit the exact location where John baptized Christ.
It can often be hard to separate the man from the movement. Especially when the movement has been largely built around the man.
But for any real discussion about Jesus and history, we need to put faith to one side for a moment and look around at the broader picture.
Almost all of what Christians believe about Jesus comes from the Bible – that he is the son of God, that he preached particular messages, that he performed miracles, and that he was resurrected.
But none of that is provable. And, in fact, much of it is clearly not true unless you are willing to accept the supernatural.
There are even some scholars who believe that Jesus did not exist at all and was a fictional character created simply as a figurehead for a new religion. But, after centuries of research and investigation, most experts now accept that there was a man named Jesus.
They just don’t agree on exactly who he was and what he did.
Historians have a range of theories about Jesus. Some believe he was a charismatic healer, while others say he was a political rebel. Some think he was an apocalyptic prophet, while others would argue he was a social philosopher.
Not only do most people agree that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, there is no general consensus of where it happened. And it’s right here in Jordan.
The location of the Jordan baptism site was, in some ways, quite easy to determine. It was a mixture of scholarly research and archaeological evidence.
In the Bible, there is a reference to a place where John the Baptist performed his ceremonies called “Bethabara beyond Jordan” or “Bethany beyond Jordan”.
And in the famous Madaba Map of mosaics that I have talked about before, there is a place by the Jordan River that is marked with the name “Bethabara”. This gave investigators the general area.
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